36 East Victoria St.
Santa Barbara

Let Us Keep the Feast Pt. 1

Preacher: Joshua Burdette | Series: Let Us Keep the Feast

We all enter life hungry, crying out for someone to feed us. It’s one of the basic needs that every human shares. Does God care about our daily bread or how we eat it? What place does food have in spirituality? Join us this Sunday as we begin a two-part series on food and feasting.

Discerning the Foundation

Bible Text: Matthew 7:24-27 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: Sermon on the Mount

See full service liturgy at

Discerning the Fruit

Bible Text: Matthew 7:15-23 | Preacher: Joshua Burdette, Kyle Wells | Series: Sermon on the Mount

View full service liturgy at

Discerning the Jesus Way

Bible Text: Matthew 7:13–14 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: Sermon on the Mount

See full service liturgy at

The Heart of Judgement

Bible Text: Matthew 7:1–6 | Preacher: Joshua Burdette | Series: Sermon on the Mount

See full service liturgy at

On Money

Bible Text: Matthew 6:19-34 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: Sermon on the Mount

Our culture tells us that with enough money, the right resources, and the latest technology, we can guard ourselves from every worry and guarantee our happiness. Yet our pursuit of these things often leads into more fear and anxiety. Hear how Jesus proposes to fulfill our desire for security and flourishing as we continue our series in the Sermon on the Mount.

On Fasting

Bible Text: Matthew 6:16–18 | Preacher: Joshua Burdette | Series: Sermon on the Mount

On Prayer: How to Pray

Bible Text: Matthew 6:5–7; 7:7–11 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: Sermon on the Mount

On Motives and Piety

Bible Text: Matthew 6:1–4 | Preacher: Joshua Burdette | Series: Sermon on the Mount