36 East Victoria St.
Santa Barbara

Rejoice in Expectation

Bible Text: Philippians 4:1–7 | Preacher: Joshua Burdette | Series: Advent: Living with Expectation

We hear the words to the famous Christmas carol at coffee shops and retail stores this time of year—joy to the world, the Lord has come! Yet in reality, joy seems elusive and fleeting to most of us. Is it possible to have joy even in the midst of dark and painful seasons? Is there anything we can do to produce joy? This Sunday we celebrate Advent and learn to wait for Christ with joy.

Hold on Loosely in Expectation

Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 7:25–30 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: Advent: Living with Expectation

A paradox is a statement that while seeming self-contradictory, actually describes reality.  The Christian life is full of paradoxes. God is one and three. God is absolutely sovereign and our choices actually matter. One paradox is that Christians are called to live in, attend to, and love the present form the world (Jer 29:4–4). Yet Chrsitians are also told not to love the world because the present form of the world is passing away (2 Cor 5:17). So which is it? Are we meant to settle down in the world or to remain detached from the world? This week we consider how to live in this tension in light of Jesus’ coming.

Be Patient in Expectation

Bible Text: James 5:7–11 | Preacher: Joshua Burdette | Series: Advent: Living with Expectation

We don’t like to wait. For anything. If you have an appetite for something, chances are there’s an app that promises to deliver it to your doorstep within 48 hours. In an age of instant gratification, patience can seem like a relic of the past—almost quaint. Yet this year has forced all of us to wait for the end of the COVID crisis. How can we wait for patience, especially when we’re out of control? This Sunday we celebrate Advent and learn to cultivate the virtue of patience.