36 East Victoria St.
Santa Barbara

Life is but a Mist

Bible Text: James 4:13-17 | Preacher: Alex Watlington | Series: Guest Preacher

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Abba, Father Me

Bible Text: Romans 8:14-17 | Preacher: Joshua Burdette | Series: Guest Preacher

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Light and Life

Bible Text: John 1:1-18 | Preacher: Johnathan Keenan | Series: Guest Preacher

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The Blessing of Singleness?

Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 7:7-35 | Preacher: Matthew Trexler | Series: Guest Preacher

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The blessing of singleness. Really? How could that be in a culture that continually tells us that we not worth much unless we are loved by a “significant other?”


The Well of Love

Bible Text: John 4:1-30 | Preacher: Johnathan Keenan | Series: Guest Preacher

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The Party That Never Ends

Bible Text: John 2:1-11 | Preacher: Johnathan Keenan | Series: Guest Preacher

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Have you ever been to a good party that you didn’t want to end? Have you ever spent time with friends that was so sweet that it convinced you that if there really is a heaven, it must certainly be like this? What do these experiences have to do with Jesus?

Pursuing a Life of Beauty

Bible Text: 1 John 4:7-16 | Preacher: Joel Pelsue | Series: Guest Preacher

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God’s love for us brings beauty to life and also calls for a response from us. How do we respond to this love and pursue the beauty?

Church of the Firstborn

Bible Text: Genesis 27 | Preacher: Tim Frickenschmidt | Series: Guest Preacher

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It is evident that our world is at the same time both beautiful and needing restoration. It is tempting to right wrongs in ways that reject God’s plan for the renewal of all things. This week as we looked at what it means to receive God’s blessing from Genesis chapter 27.

When God Delays

Bible Text: Genesis 16:1-10 | Preacher: Tim Frickenschmidt | Series: Guest Preacher

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How do you respond when pain, loneliness, and confusion persists? Where is God in these times? This Sunday as we look at Genesis 16 and see how God meets us in our isolation and shame.