36 East Victoria St.
Santa Barbara

Praying in the Holy Spirit

Bible Text: Jude 20, Luke 11:1-13 | Preacher: Reed Jolley | Series: Jude: Exhortations for Tenuous Times

“Do you have anyone to talk to about that?” We often hear this phrase when we’ve let down our guard and admitted to someone that we are struggling. It’s often meant as a well-intentioned concern, but it also sends the signal that the current listener is not up to the task. What if you had someone you could call on in times of both bad and good news, someone who would always answer the phone and be glad to hear your voice? Join us this week as we continue our series on the Book of Jude and learn about the gift of prayer.

Build Yourselves Up in Faith

Bible Text: Jude 20; Hebrews 5:12-6:3 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: Jude: Exhortations for Tenuous Times

“I believe; help my unbelief!” It was a cry for help uttered by a father who wanted Jesus to heal his son, but in a way, his request is the prayer of every Christian. We know that salvation comes by grace through faith, but what do we do when our faith is weak? Join us this Sunday as we continue our sermon series from The Book of Jude.

A Gracious Greeting

Bible Text: Jude 1-2 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: Jude: Exhortations for Tenuous Times

Full gyms on January 2 are vacated by the end of February. Whether it is cleaning out your closet, starting a new exercise routine, or reading through Leviticus, it is hard to keep going, especially in the face of adversity. How can we persevere? It is an important question, especially when we are talking about following Jesus. This week we are starting a new series on the book of Jude, who reminds us that it is the love of Jesus that keeps us going. We hope you will join us.

Let Us Keep the Feast Pt. 2

Bible Text: Luke 14:12-24 | Preacher: Joshua Burdette | Series: Let Us Keep the Feast

Join us this Sunday as we complete a two-part series on food and feasting.

Let Us Keep the Feast Pt. 1

Preacher: Joshua Burdette | Series: Let Us Keep the Feast

We all enter life hungry, crying out for someone to feed us. It’s one of the basic needs that every human shares. Does God care about our daily bread or how we eat it? What place does food have in spirituality? Join us this Sunday as we begin a two-part series on food and feasting.

Absolum’s Story

Bible Text: 2 Samuel 15:1-12 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: The Stories We Live By

Betrayal always hurts, but the pain of betrayal is directly related to the measure of love. The greater the love, the greater the pain of betrayal. How can we love those who have betrayed us? Can trust ever be restored? What about when we are the betrayers? How can we be at peace? Join us this Sunday as we conclude our series on the stories of First and Second Samuel.

Tamar’s Story

Bible Text: 2 Samuel 13 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: The Stories We Live By

Since the fall, every family experiences enmity and strife. Instead of belonging and safety, some people experience great violence in their families. The Bible is not silent on the depths of family dysfunction. This Sunday we continue our series in 2 Samuel and hear the story of a young woman named Tamar who came from a royal, but deeply harmful family.

Nathan’s Story

Bible Text: 2 Samuel 12 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: The Stories We Live By

If you were deceived would you even know it? One of the first things sin does is to deceive us and distort our view of the world. Today with Christians around the world we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. This is good news for those deceived by sin because the Spirit was given to lead us into all truth, especially the truth about our true condition and the truth about God’s amazing grace.

Bathsheba’s Story

Bible Text: 2 Samuel 11 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: The Stories We Live By

This Sunday we celebrate the Ascension of Jesus—the reality that God became a man, who now  rules and reigns over the universe. As we will see this week: this is good news, especially where our sin is concerned. Because the Ascension reminds us that there is no sin that can ultimately thwart the purposes of God’s grace.

Mephibosheth’s Story

Bible Text: 2 Samuel 9 | Preacher: Joshua Burdette | Series: The Stories We Live By

We are all longing for home—some place we can looked to and belong, some place where everything just seems right. The Bible tells us that this deep longing is good, and is ultimately met through a relationship with God, who brings us into his family, and serves us at his table.