36 East Victoria St.
Santa Barbara

Justification by Faith and the Human Boast

Bible Text: Romans 3:27-4:5 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: Justification By Faith

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We all know the picture—arms raised in the air, fists punching the sky. This seemingly universal picture of human conquest is something we have all seen and experiences. “I am the greatest,” Ali said. But what does this universal human tendency have to do with God’s triumphant shout: “Jesus is the greatest.”

Justification by Faith 
and its Enduring Significance

Bible Text: Romans 3:19-31 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: Justification By Faith

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500 years ago Europe was set ablaze with a single idea—humans are justified before God by faith alone. Some wonder how this principle—that ignited the Reformation and for which countless Europeans would give their lives—is still relevant today. And besides, don’t we understand the message Luther was promoting? Yet the anxiety that plagued Luther and his contemporaries is as pervasive in our own day as it was in his. Could it be that we have failed to grasp the message that captivated Luther? And could a rediscovery of Justification by faith have just as much relevance today as it did 500 years ago?

He Does All Things Well

Bible Text: Mark 7:24-37 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: The Gospel of Mark

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“God is good!” This is common parlance among Christians, but do we really trust that God is working for our good? How do we respond when we don’t understand what he is doing, or when things don’t seem to be getting better? Come and learn from the life of Jesus as we continue our series in Mark.

Paleo, Detox, and Jesus

Bible Text: Mark 7:1-23 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: The Gospel of Mark

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We are a people passionate about cleanliness. We purchase the best laundry detergent, hire the most thorough housekeepers, we are even possessed to clean our bodies through diet and detox regimes. But does that really leave us clean? How or can we become clean to the core? Come this week to hear how Jesus addresses this longing in Mark 7.

I Am; Fear Not!?

Bible Text: Mark 6:45-52 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: The Gospel of Mark

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Who is Jesus and who are you in relationship to him? These are questions that are continually placed before us. Whether we are answering them for the first time or the fortieth time, there is always more to discover.

The Well of Love

Bible Text: John 4:1-30 | Preacher: Johnathan Keenan | Series: Guest Preacher

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Restoreth My Soul

Bible Text: Mark 6:30-44 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: The Gospel of Mark

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Do you ever feel like you have more on your plate than you can handle? Or like you’re treading water in the sea of life, just barely keeping your head above water? Do you feel exhausted, directionless, and unable to stop? Come hear what Jesus has to say to hungry, exhausted, and exasperated people as we continue our series in the gospel of Mark.

Joining the Mission

Bible Text: Mark 6:7-31 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: The Gospel of Mark

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Jesus sends out his disciples to extend his mission—what a privilege! But if it is Jesus’ mission we participate in, should we expect responses that are fundamentally different than the ones he received? Come Sunday as we consider what it means to follow Jesus in his mission to the world.

The Waiting Room

Bible Text: Mark 5:21-43 | Preacher: Kyle Wells | Series: The Gospel of Mark

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We long for change but it doesn’t seem to come. We hope for something better, but feel powerless to bring it about. This Sunday we consider where–and with whom–hope and healing may be found.